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Stressors and Burnout among Medical Students – Comparison between Medical Faculty in Ljubljana and Maribor


This post is also available in: English Slovenščina (Slovenian)

BACKGROUNDS. Studying medicine is perceived as very stressful. Despite the fact that the regular stress is a necessary and an inevitable phenomenon, it can also have short-term and long-term consequences, the latter often resulting in burnout. The aim of the study was to present the potential stressors, their nature, stress levels caused by them and to compare stress levels between two Slovenian medical faculties. METHODS. A cross-sectional study among 186 students was carried out, 124 students were from Medical Faculty in Ljubljana and 62 students were from Medical faculty in Maribor. Sixth year medical students and graduates were included in the study. To identify the sources of stress MSSQ online questionnaire was used and was, for this purpose, translated from English to Slovene. The data were analyzed with statistical program SPSS, version 20.0. RESULTS. Stressors that show statistically significant difference in the level of stress and cause higher level of stress among students of Medical Faculty in Ljubljana are getting poor marks (p = 0,009), need to do well (imposed by others) (p = 0,000), lack of guidance from teachers (p = 0,044) and frequent interruption of work by others (students) (p = 0,001). On the other hand participation in class discussions (p = 0,010) cause higher level of stress among students from Medical Faculty in Maribor. Comparison between groups of stressors showed that the stressors associated with the surroundings and the surrounding people cause higher stress levels in Ljubljana than in Maribor (p = 0,032). Stress level calculated out of 40 measured stressors does not exhibit statistically significant difference between medical faculties and therefore our hypothesis was not rejected. CONCLUSIONS. The study did not show statistically significant difference in overall stress level. The fact that the highest levels of stress are caused by academic stressors is concerning. Changes in curriculum would probably bring positive changes in stress levels amongst medical students.


Kokalj Jošt, Bilban Marjan

: stress, burnout, medical students, medical education

Cite as:
Med Razgl. 2015; 54 (3): 335–45.

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